At Fixably, we’re proud to be part of an industry that has real change-making potential. After all, extending device durability is one of the most effective ways to reduce the carbon footprint of electronics; and that’s exactly what Fixably customers do.
We wanted to understand what that really meant for the environment, so we looked at the main types of devices that we help repair. Then, we checked Apple-issued environmental reports to estimate the average footprint of some of its most popular models, including the iPhone and the Macbook Pro. In doing so, we were able to quantify our customers’ positive influence on the environment.

This is the final figure: in 2022, Fixably customers prevented 1,385 tons of CO2 or equivalent emissions (CO2e) from being emitted.
That’s the equivalent of driving a car for over 9.4 million kilometers (5.6 million miles) without making any stops. Here’s another way you can think about this: if you were to drive for that long, you would go around the world no less than 224.5 times!
At Fixably, we strive to streamline customers’ operations so that they can spend more time doing repair and refurbishment, and away from paperwork and admin tasks that do not bring as much value to their business. For one, our electronic signature function, Fixably PaperlessTM, has reduced paper waste by preventing the use of 840,000 sheets of paper.

We also cooperate with Compensate to offset unavoidable carbon emissions, by investing in several carbon capture projects, such as the TIST Kenya Community Reforestation program program or the Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve in Indonesia, among others.
If you’re curious, you can learn more about our carbon compensation efforts by visiting the Environmental Impact Report on our About us section.
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